Wenn KYC, Transaktionsmonitoring und Risikoanalyse für Dich keine Fremdwörter sind, Du Spaß daran hast, Dich in einem engagierten Team mit einzubringen und Du Herausforderungen und Abwechslung magst, dann bist Du genau die richtige Verstärkung für uns!
Einordnung in das AirPlus Organisationsmodell (Cube): Diese Stelle ist dem Grundprofil AML Manager (Jobfamilie: Legal/ Orientationlevel: Consulting/ Impactlevel: Signifikant) zugeordnet.
We believe that businesses should be able to focus on what matters to them. Payment can be a hassle and a distraction – we’ve been making it smart and simple for over 30 years, and help 53,000 companies around the world save time and money with solutions smart enough to stand the test of time and deliver real, sustainable value – every day.
Simple only works if it’s smart, and that goes for worklife too. At AirPlus, we do it right to let you shine.
We think about your future…
because staying curious and making bold moves in your area of expertise takes someone
having your back.
We feel dynamic…
because our international flair, experienced leadership, and commitment to adaptability let us
go the extra mile for our customers and each other.
We act in collaboration…
because engaged teams and trustful, human relationships mean doing whatever it takes to make it happen as a team.
Visit us at airplus.com to learn more about a future in corporate payment.